Friday, October 30, 2009

Come Sail Away...

So I have figured out that these early days of pregnancy are a whole lot like being on a cruise.

By this I mean that I spend nearly every waking hour either throwing up or wanting to throw up, and at the same time wondering what's for dinner (and is it too soon to have a snack?).

Then there is the accompanying feeling of perpetual hung-overness (the dizziness, the headache of all headaches, and oh lordy, the crankiness) without the benefit of actually, you know, drinking.

And oh boy, I am SO wishing I had spent a little more time at the gym working on the abs before embarking on this trip, because all of the sudden everyone and their grandma looks thinner than I do.

And even though I know the getting there is a big part of the fun, there are days when I am ready for this particular leg of the journey to just be over.

(No worries, please.  The second trimester will be here soon enough and then I am just SURE I will be back to my lovable self)


Suburban Correspondent said...

I remember the day that my morning sickness lifted on my last pregnancy. Nov 15. 5 years ago. It was that dramatic. I woke up one day and things were okay. I wasn't irritable. I wasn't sick. My kids didn't bug me. It was heaven.

So hang in there!

Idiots Walk Among Us said...

O Candi, I still say this is another boy!! Love to u dear one! I'm laughing all the way to the nearest trash can, toilet or wherever u make it. I don't believe u were ever this sick with the other two! Isn't it great how they r all different?

Anonymous said...

oh how I remember those days...take care, soon it will be over.

Barb Matijevich said...

I'll come stand next to you so you can see that not everyone is thinner than you. And note, there are no babies being made in MY belly. It just LOOKS that way.

Barb Matijevich said...

Hey, you. How are you feeling?

Barb Matijevich said...

Okay, I had to drop by to see if you have a baby yet. ????